Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Make Your Communications Clear

ABC’s GADGET is an agentless monitoring solution designed to ensure the availability and performance of distributed Web and VoIP IT infrastructures. This proactive, Web-based infrastructure monitoring solution is lightweight, highly customizable, and doesn't require high overhead agents on your production systems.

XYZ is a leading, full-service provider of information technology solutions based on the rapidly growing Linux computer operating system. Linux is the leading alternative operating system produced by “open source” computer technology and is widely recognized for its reliability, scalability, and cost-effectiveness, especially in the areas of high-performance, internet and e-business solutions.


Those two paragraphs are real examples from real companies explaining their product and value proposition (the names have been changed to protect the guilty).

Do you honestly have any clue what these companies do and what problems their products will help you solve? Where is a statement about you: what kind of problems you face, and how what they provide can help?

Poor marketing copy is epidemic. We are so accustomed to seeing it we barely register how bad it is. What can you do to make sure your copy is good?

1. Know what matters to your clients and focus on that. Your copy should be about them and their needs, not you.
2. Tell the audience what they need to know to make the decision to get more information from you.
3. Be consistent in your message.
4. Give your audience credit for being smart.
5. Hire an experienced marketing copy writer to develop your content.

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